
  1. Connect OKX or unisat wallet

  2. go to bridge page :

  3. Click Transfer , if you already have the BRC20 assets in your wallet. you need to do 2 steps to complete the BRC20 transfer ( same for all BRC20 assets )

    1. Click New Inscription ( if you're using OKX wallet , unisat integrated the 2 steps in the wallet ) and fill in the amount you want to transfer

You will be able to see the inscription after the previous transaction is committed

then you can click confirm and do the transfer at brc20 end

  1. After you completed the brc20 sending , you can now go to claim page: to withdraw your ERC20 token . you will be able to see the cross-chain order and you can click the withdraw button to withdraw the ERC20 token , note that you need to fill in the evm address to specify which evm wallet you want to receive the ERC20 .

  2. you can now see the tx that sends ERC20 to your wallet in the claim page and check the ERC20 in your wallet

Last updated